Your Occupation


Talk about your failure when you first started looking for a solution. Maybe there was a conspiracy against you, a false belief, a misunderstanding.

Then, you had an ah-ha moment that brought you the result, benefit, solution you were looking for.

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5 Ways Busy Moms Can Build Passive Income Without Quitting Their Day Jobs

5 Ways Busy Moms Can Build Passive Income Without Quitting Their Day Jobs

February 03, 20247 min read

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As my three children started to get older, I began to realize that even though I was making 6-figures working in corporate America, I was still trying to find solutions to help me generate extra income to offset the ongoing costs of raising teenagers.

Since you're reading this blog I'm guessing you are also looking for solutions too.

The good news is that there are numerous ways busy moms can generate extra income that can turn into passive income without sacrificing their day jobs or compromising their family responsibilities.

Whatever your current situation is, I just want you to know there are literally hundreds of ways you can get started with little to no money out of pocket.

You ever hear that phrase, "You need money to make money", well thats not always true.

Yes, eventually you will need financial resources to grow your business, but to get started, what you need is to be resourceful, be willing to think outside the box and tap into your own personal experiences and expertise that you can turn into passive income opportunities.

5 ways Moms Can Build Passive Income

For clarity sake, make sure you read this important side note about passive income.

It does not matter what income opportunity you are trying to grow online, this tip is universal. Before your online efforts turn into "passive income" you will need to commit and do the upfront work.

Which includes researching the right products or service to offer/sell, choosing the right platform to share your offers, setting up your automated systems, email marketing and most important, having a plan for long term success. Passive income is a result of hard work and your dedicated efforts and not everyone hits a home run on their first try.

In this blog post, we will explore five effective ways for busy moms to build passive income streams while still managing their hectic schedules.

1: Start a Blog or YouTube Channel

Starting a Youtube channel is a great way to build passive income from the comfort of your own home. You don't need to be an expert or have any experience to get started. All you need to do is create a plan and start where you are. If you are not comfortable creating long form videos, you can consider creating Youtube Shorts.

Youtube Shorts are short videos of up to 15 seconds that allow you to share your knowledge and tips with your audience quickly and easily. It's a great way to start if you are a beginner and don't have a lot of experience. You can also use your current knowledge, expertise or passions to create content that your audience will love.

Creating a Youtube channel is a great way to make passive income and work from home. With the right plan and dedication, you can start a successful Youtube channel and make money from your videos. As your channel grows and attracts subscribers, you can monetize your videos through the YouTube Partner Program. This enables you to earn passive income from ad revenue, sponsorships, and merchandise sales.

You can check out this Youtube Bundle that has 161 fully editable Canva Templates specifically tailored for anyone trying to grow a Youtube channel.

2: Create and Sell Digital Products

Creating and selling digital products is a great way to create passive income. This is where you create an item one time and it has the potential to sell again and again. You can list your digital items on platforms like Etsy, Gumroad, Payhip, and Shopify. You can create an account for free or some have low cost listing fees and you can start selling your products today. Even if you have no experience, you can still get started as a beginner.

Think about any knowledge or expertise you may have in a particular area. If you're one of those individuals people come to and ask for help, why not consider writing an e-book about it. It could be a guide, a how-to manual, or a collection of tips and tricks. Platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing and Smashwords allow you to self-publish your e-book at no cost. Promote your e-book through social media, online forums, or by reaching out to bloggers or influencers in your niche. As sales accumulate, you can generate passive income from each copy sold.

Creating digital products is a great way to leverage your skills and interests and create something that caters to your target audience.

Need helping looking professional online as you build out your digital products? Check out the Digital Products Creators Pack. Inside this pack you will find 355 fully editable Canva Templates.

3: Print on Demand Products

Another great way to create some passive income is through Print on Demand with services such as Redbubble or CafePress. With no experience or upfront costs required, you can start your own print-on-demand business as a beginner, best part, you don't have to buy inventory. Simply design graphics, slogans, or artwork that resonates with your target audience and they can be printed on items like t-shirts, mugs, or phone cases. Once you have your designs ready, you can market your products through social media, word-of-mouth, or create a dedicated online store. Whenever a customer purchases your merchandise, the platform handles the production, shipping, and payment, allowing you to earn passive income. So, if you're looking for a way to start a business and work from home, consider taking advantage of print-on-demand services and start earning passive income today.

4: Create an Online Course

Creating and selling online courses is a great way to generate passive income. This is your chance to take your expertise and turn it into a mini or full course that teaches people how to do something and get quick results. You can create an evergreen course (something that is created once and set on autopilot) or you can create a live course where you walk your student through the content step-by-step. You can use platforms like FGFunnels,, Udemy and Teachable. They all provide user-friendly interfaces to help you build your course. You can break down your knowledge into modules or lessons and include video tutorials, worksheets, and quizzes to enhance the learning experience. Once you have your course ready, you can start marketing it through social media, email newsletters, or collaborations with influencers in your niche. With the right marketing strategy, your course can generate passive income as students enroll and access the material.

A great way to get students into your course is to create a challenge that gives potential students a taste for how you teach and what they can learn if they join your course.

Start 15 Day Challenge

5: Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a great way to start on your road to creating passive income, even if you have no experience or don't have a lot of followers. You don't even need to be a tech expert - all you need is social media, a website or blog to get started.

Affiliate marketing allows you to earn a commission by promoting products or services and directing your audience to make a purchase through your unique affiliate links. You can start by signing up for affiliate programs in your niche, with companies such as Amazon Associates, ShareASale, or Commission Junction. You can share product recommendations, write reviews, or create informative content that includes your affiliate links. As your audience grows, your passive income potential increases.

If affiliate marketing sounds like something you would like to try, I would encourage to check out this 15-Day Business Builder Challenge. In this $7 course you will get step-by-step training that teaches you everything you need to get started.

In Conclusion

Building passive income streams as a busy mom may seem challenging, but with the right approach and dedication, it is entirely possible. Whatever path you choose do everything you can to stay dedicated, create valuable content, and engage with your audience. Over time, you can grow your following and increase your passive income potential.

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So you decided to build your first online passive income side hustle.

Good news is, getting started is

NOT the hard part.

You don't need fancy tech skills

or a large following.

Yes, it's true. Anyone CAN do this!

But you WILL have to learn how to

get past your mindset blocks, become resourceful, learn some online business building skills, and most important,

create a plan of action

so you're not fumbling.

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The all in one solutions for growing your business (of any size). You get access to tools, strategies, done-for-you funnels and ongoing live support. You do not have to be a tech genius or a design Wizard to have a SMART and GORGEOUS websites & funnels running your online business.


15-Second Leads

This is the perfect guide for you if you are starting with zero followers and currently feel discouraged or lost. What if you can learn some simple video tips that will help you grow your business even if you have a fear of being on camera and you worry about not sounding "professional enough" because you're new.


Pinterest Protege Mini Course

Looking for some alternative ways to grow ANY business online using Pinterest? In this foundational mini course get a good understanding of how Pinterest works, how to properly set up your account, create pins for your products or services and how to automate your efforts to build your business.


Freedom Accelerator

Ready for a 72-hour challenge where you can learn how to build an online passive income side business (from home) without needing to create your own product, websites, or having to sell anything yourself? Learn how YOU can do this with zero prior experience, no hard cost, no tech skills, and get commissions using 100% free methods even if you are starting with no followers

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