Your Occupation


Talk about your failure when you first started looking for a solution. Maybe there was a conspiracy against you, a false belief, a misunderstanding.

Then, you had an ah-ha moment that brought you the result, benefit, solution you were looking for.

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Affiliate Marketing Tips & Ideas

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Unlock Your Summer Income Potential: 10 Passive Income Ideas for Grade School Teachers

Unlock Your Summer Income Potential: 10 Passive Income Ideas for Grade School Teachers

January 26, 20248 min read

This post contains affiliate links. If you use these links to buy something we may earn a commission. Thanks.

Did you know that as an educator, there are dozens of ways you can generate extra income from the comfort of your own home during the months where you’re not in a classroom?

Aside from your passion of teaching, I’m sure the luxury of having summers off was a motivator to go into this profession, but not getting paid during those months can put a damper in your ability to have some financial freedom to travel, save and live life on your terms when you’re not in the classroom.

So instead of penny pinching this summer, why not consider creating extra passive income that can continue coming in your way even during the school year.

Here are 10 ideas that can help you get started.

#1: Create and sell educational resources:

Since you're in education, it's likely you are an expert in a subject or maybe you’ve developed a special technique to help your students learn a specific topic.

Use your expertise and develop teaching materials, lesson plans, worksheets, or educational games that you can sell online through platforms like Teachers Pay Teachers, Etsy or your own website on places like Shopify.

Tips to get started:

  1. Identify a niche or subject area for your resources.

  2. Plan and develop high-quality teaching materials, lesson plans, worksheets, or games.

  3. Set up an account on Teachers Pay Teachers, Etsy or create your own website.

  4. Upload your products, write engaging descriptions, and set reasonable prices.

#2: Share your expertise and write an e-Book:

Share your expertise by writing an e-book on educational topics or teaching strategies. Publish it on platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing and Etsy and earn royalties from each sale.

Tips to get started:

  1. Choose a topic that aligns with your expertise as a grade school teacher.

  2. Outline your e-book and organize the content.

  3. Start writing and editing your book, ensuring clarity and coherence.

  4. Format the e-book according to the requirements of your chosen publishing platform.

  5. Create a cover and write a compelling book description.

  6. Publish your e-book on platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing.

#3: Offer Online Tutoring:

Utilize your teaching skills by providing online tutoring sessions to students during the summer. Platforms like Wyzant or VIPKid can help you connect with potential students.

This option may not necessary create passive income as it requires you time to do 1:1 sessions, however with permission of the participant you can record your session and add it to course module. (see option #4 for more details)

Tips to get started:

  1. Determine the subjects or grade levels you want to tutor.

  2. Set up profiles on tutoring platforms like Wyzant, VIPKid, or

  3. Create an appealing profile that highlights your experience and qualifications.

  4. Set your availability and desired tutoring rates.

  5. Promote your tutoring services through social media, local schools, or community centers.

#4: Develop and Online Course:

Create an online course on a specific subject or skill and sell it on platforms like Udemy, Teachable or FGFunnels. Once created, the course can generate passive income as students enroll. You can check out this bundle pack that will give you access to pre-made Canva templates that you can alter.

Tips to get started:

  1. Choose a specific topic or subject area for your course.

  2. Outline the course content and create lesson plans.

  3. Choose a platform to host and sell your course.

  4. Record video lessons or create slide presentations with accompanying audio.

  5. Edit and organize the course content into modules.

  6. Set a price for your course and publish it on the chosen platform.

#5: Start a YouTube Channel:

Share your knowledge and teaching methods by creating educational videos on a YouTube channel. Monetize your channel through advertising, sponsorships, or by offering premium content to subscribers.

Tips to get started

  1. Identify the focus of your channel (teaching strategies, subject tutorials, etc.).

  2. Create a YouTube account and set up your channel.

  3. Plan and script your videos.

  4. Record and edit your videos using video editing software.

  5. Optimize your videos for search by using relevant keywords and tags.

  6. Enable monetization on your channel and set up Google AdSense for ad revenue.

#6: Create a blog:

Start a blog focused on education, classroom management, or teaching tips. Figure out who would be your target audience who needs to hear your tips and advice. Monetize it through ads, sponsored content, or by promoting relevant products and resources.

  1. Choose a blogging platform like WordPress or Blogger.

  2. Select a domain name and register it with places like GoDaddy or Google Domains.

  3. Design your blog layout and customize it with a professional theme.

  4. Plan and create high-quality content related to education.

  5. Promote your blog through social media channels and education-related forums.

  6. Monetize your blog by incorporating advertising networks, sponsored content, or affiliate marketing.

#7: Offer Consulting Services:

Leverage your experience and expertise by providing consulting/coaching services to schools, parents, or other teachers. You can offer advice on curriculum development, teaching strategies, or classroom management.

Tips to get started

  1. Determine the areas of expertise in which you can provide consulting services.

  2. Develop a consulting package and define your rates.

  3. Create a professional website or landing page to showcase your consulting services.

  4. Network with school administrators, educators, or parents to generate leads.

  5. Promote your consulting services through professional networks and social media.

#8: Develop Educational Apps or Games:

Use your creativity to design and develop educational apps or games for mobile devices. You can earn passive income through in-app purchases, ads, or premium versions.

Tips to get started

  1. Define the target audience and educational objective for your app or game.

  2. Create a detailed concept and design document.

  3. Decide on the platform (iOS, Android, web) and programming language to use.

  4. Develop the app or game using app development tools or programming languages.

  5. Test and debug the app/game for functionality and usability.

  6. Publish the app or game on relevant app stores or platforms.

#9: Write for Educational Publications:

Contribute articles or educational content to magazines, websites, or educational publications. Some publications offer compensation based on the number of views or subscriptions your content receives.

Tips to get started

  1. Research educational publications that accept guest contributions.

  2. Familiarize yourself with their submission guidelines and requirements.

  3. Brainstorm article ideas that align with the publication's focus.

  4. Write well-researched and engaging articles within the specified word count.

  5. Edit and proofread your articles for clarity and correctness.

  6. Submit your articles to the publications, following their submission process.

  7. Promote your published articles through your own website, social media, or professional networks.

#10: Affiliate Marketing (my favorite):

The beauty of affiliate marketing is you can choose products or services to promote that are in the education field or in ANY field that you're interested in. If you're choosing one of the options above, you can add in affiliate marketing to add an additional stream of income and it's a great way to bring in targeted leads to see other products or services you have for sale. With affiliate marketing you do not have to create any products, buy inventory or create anything.

Tips to get started

  1. Research and identify education-related products, services, or online platforms that offer affiliate programs. My favorite educational resource is the 15-Day Business Builder Challenge.

  2. Sign up for affiliate programs of your chosen products or services. Some popular affiliate networks include Amazon Associates, ShareASale, and Commission Junction.

  3. Obtain unique affiliate links or banners from the affiliate programs you join.

  4. Incorporate these affiliate links or banners into your blog, website, YouTube videos, or social media posts.

  5. Create valuable and informative content around the products or services you are promoting to attract potential customers.

  6. Share your personal experiences or reviews to build credibility and trust with your audience.

  7. Monitor your affiliate marketing performance, including clicks, conversions, and commissions earned.

  8. Continuously optimize your affiliate marketing strategy by analyzing data, experimenting with different promotional techniques, and focusing on products that resonate with your audience.

  9. Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the education industry to identify new affiliate opportunities.

  10. Comply with FTC guidelines and disclose your affiliate relationships transparently to maintain trust with your audience.

There you have it!

You just went through 10 possible solutions on how you can start generating additional income this summer without getting out of your PJs, and you can literally do it from anywhere. Picking a path and getting set up is what will take most of your time.

There will be a small learning curve you'll need to get through, but don't over complicate the process.

Pick ONE topic from above, such as affiliate marketing or creating digital downloads using the knowledge you already have.

Then start sharing your services or products via social media. TikTok, Instagram and Youtube all have the ability for you to create 15-second shorts.

If you're lost and want to know how to do that, I have a training for you to check out called the
5-Second Silent Video. In this quick training you will learn how to get started creating simple videos while drawing in the people you most want to attract.

I hope you found this article useful. If you did, I'd love for you to share it with a friend (or colleague) who is also looking for ways to generate extra income.

I'm rooting for you!

TeachersAffiliate MarketingPassive Income
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