Your Occupation


Talk about your failure when you first started looking for a solution. Maybe there was a conspiracy against you, a false belief, a misunderstanding.

Then, you had an ah-ha moment that brought you the result, benefit, solution you were looking for.

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Business Building Tips & Ideas

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Disclaimer: This review contains affiliate links,

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Uncover the 10 reasons Why I choose FG Funnels to Build my Affiliate Marketing business – A Why I think You Should Too.

Uncover the 10 reasons Why I choose FG Funnels to Build my Affiliate Marketing business – A Why I think You Should Too.

February 02, 202413 min read

“Understanding the tech behind building a digital business online is not for the faint of heart, which is why I'm so glad I have FG Funnels on my side ” - Georgina Ware

Whether you are new to building a digital business online or you've been at this for a while and you often find yourself flopping from one platform to the next, then this blog is for you!

Because man, do I get you!

Yes, YOU!

The digital nomad who is hell bent on building your online digital empire.

I'm guessing you've tried a few different platforms such as Leadpages, Kajabi, Teacheable, Clickfunnels, Groove funnels, Thinkific.

Oy, my head (and wallet) sighs every time I think about my relentless pursuit of trying to find the right fit for where I wanted to pull out my welcome mat and build my digital home.

Now before we get to the good stuff I want to be super clear! This blog post is NOT about bashing any of the above mentioned software programs. I have nothing but mad love for each of them because in my short time with each, I learned something new. ClickFunnels is where I first learned the art of storytelling during the one funnel away challenge. I've helped many friends build funnels and sales pages inside Leadpages, Kajabi and Thinkific. Teachable has a safe place in my heart, I have over 30+ courses inside that platform and I think their integrity and business model is amazing. In fact if you want to check out a demo, you can do so here.

This blog post is all about why after trying many other platforms, I decided to throw my money at FG Funnels to build my digital ecommerce store, sales funnels, opt in funnels, membership courses, and email marketing too.

Can you tell I'm a fan? Now let's get to it.

8 Reasons I chose FG Funnels

I was tired of feeling like I was just another customer having to wait days to get my questions answered.

When you are novice at building a digital business its easy to get overwhelmed.

In fact, there may have been a few roadblocks that either made you want to give up the idea of being an entrepreneur, or maybe you felt like it might be easier to start fresh with a different company?

For me, starting over was never the answer. It just created new headaches.

These were four pain points that kept me spinning my wheels

1: Lack of customer support (waiting days to get help)

2: Feeling like you're being penalized financially just for growing your business

3: A huge tech learning curve with no guidance other than pre-made videos that didn't always answer my questions.

4: Lackluster funnel designs to choose from.

Then I was introduced to Funnel Gorgeous and I couldn't stop drooling on myself.

Seriously, I'm not exaggerating!

Now to be fully transparent.

Funnel Gorgeous is not your typical drag and drop kind of funnel software.

In fact since they opened their doors they have been building a software community focused on GOOD DESIGN, EFFICIENT MARKETING and a HELPFUL COMMUNITY!

Since they are SO ROBUST and filled with just about every tech wizardry you can think of (and some you didn't even know you needed), and funnel design options that are a literal piece of art in itself, you have to understand that there still is going to be a learning curve.

The difference, aside from the powerhouse I now had at my fingertips, was the level of CUSTOMER SUPPORT that provided answers to every overwhelming thought, question and self doubt my brain tried to come up with.

The moment my brain tried to get me to cancel my membership because I "assumed" it was too hard, I clicked on the chat feature and a live person was on the other side ready to not only walk me through whatever hurdle I faced, but they went the extra step and created a loom video for me. Because of this I was able to figure out where I was stuck, quickly fix it and move on.

That my friends was more valuable than the software itself.

It was such a novice and refreshing part of how they handle their customers, I decided to stick with it and just learn one piece at a time.

Their dedicated 1:1 level of support, weekly live tech calls that takes place inside their Facebook Group, personalized loom video replies, ongoing detailed training and virtual hand holding, blew any other company out the water.

Live FG Funnels Support Calls

Funnel Gorgeous made me feel like I was their only customer and that is a level of service that is hard to find.

This was just the tip of the iceberg as to why I chose to use their service for building my digital e-commerce store, email marketing and affiliate marketing business!

As a matter of fact if you're sitting here thinking I'm just blowing hot air, why not stop reading and go check them out for yourself. They have a free on demand demo that you can go watch and see if they are a fit for you too.

Free On Demand Demo of FG Funnels

So here are some other reasons I chose to build my affiliate marketing business with Funnel Gorgeous

1. Their funnel and opt in designs really are Gorgeous.

Not only are their designs refreshing and unique, they allowed me to stand out from the crowd. There was nothing boring about what I had access to.

In their back office they give you the funnel / opt in templates PLUS they also give you all the assets fonts and how-to videos to help you quickly set up your funnel with less headache and more fun.

They have over 24 premium design collections and you get access to every single one of them.

Did I forget to mention they also offer weekly design calls too? If you don't feel like you have a design bone in your body they got you covered there too.

Funnel Gorgeous Funnel Assets

2. Full Customer Support

Seriously guys, if I could squeeze my butt through email just to give their tech support a high-five, I would. It is so gosh darn refreshing to have a team that HEARS you and genuinely wants to help you get unstuck.

There were a couple of times where I had some automation questions. I remember wishing I knew how to get a potential lead from my opt in to my funnel to my membership and how do I set up the automations so all this is done while I'm out playing with my kids..

They didn't charge me extra. They created a loom video, showed me how to set up my back office, gave me examples of how I can achieve my goal and made sure I fully understood the capability I had at my fingertips. It was refreshing.

Plus not to mention they also offer

  • In app support (docs and live chat)

  • Five days a week of office hours with their tech team

  • They created FG Funnels University, which combines strategy and tech together

  • They also offer a members only Facebook Group with lots of helpful power users

Ya, I know. I couldn't stop grinning either.

3. I was able to ditch my 3rd party email provider

If you haven't already started to build an email while growing your affiliate marketing business, you should! It's important no matter what type of business you are creating. FG Funnels also offers an add on service called FG Mail that unlocks literal magic.

No more trying to figure out if your 3rd party company plays nice with your funnel software. No more having to go to two different parties to get your questions answered. With FG Mail, if I had a question, I went to the same tech support who knew this program inside and out. They would access my back office and walk me through any issue I was having, look over my automations and help me make sure I am setting them up correctly. It was so seamless, it made it a no brainer to also use their email service.

4. No additional fees

Can I get a hallelujah!

This was a doozie for me with other funnel software companies. With other platforms, they would offer a tier pricing that felt like they were penalizing you for growing your business.

With FG Funnels I get access to an unlimited amount of funnels, domains or memberships. Whether I have 2 members or 20,000, I still pay the same. Whether I have 1 funnel or 1,000, I still pay the same price.

As someone in the affiliate marketing space, I create a lot of opt-in pages and I didn't want to be limited or charged more because of it.

The only additional fee I pay (as I mentioned above in #3) is for FG Mail, but otherwise there are no surprises!

5. Are you a blogger?

In affiliate marketing, I think you should be. It's smarter to drive traffic to your blog, video or funnel before you send them to your affiliate offer.

So you know where I'm going with this right? Yes, FG Funnels also offers blogging too! #What 😱

I know, it's like Christmas.

Aside from blogging they also offer social posting, advanced CRM functionality for your email marketing pleasures, texting (yes they have an app for that too), pipelines so you can move your customers along inside your offers and so much more!

It's as if though they thought of everything!

6. Members only Facebook group

The community that Funnel Gorgeous created is wildly supportive of one another. If you have a question (no matter what niche you are in) someone will be there to chime in and try and help you.

If you need help getting something done because you are stuck, they offer a group of certified marketing specialists (who are fellow FG Users) you can hire to help you get stuff done.

Inside the Facebook group is where all the training magic happens. You also get access to their live tech support/tech coaching that takes place inside the group and on Zoom.

Just when I think I have a good handle on the platform, I just hop on one of these Zoom calls and learn something new that blows my mind.

7. They can help you move all your stuff

If you are currently with another funnel platform and you're not 100% happy or you're thinking, "hey maybe FG Funnels might be a good fit for me", they offer a series called Move to Gorgeous, and you get it for free when you join. You can think of this as a free hand-holding migration series, and if you're curious you can check out their free on-demand class before making any decisions.

Move to Gorgeous

8. They have an affiliate program

As a fellow affiliate, you didn't think I was going to end this post without telling you about this!

I've been with Funnel Gorgeous since they day they opened their doors and long before I decided to become on of their affiliates. I had to test it first and make sure they were legit.

Not only did they over deliver, but every month they keep on rolling out gifts that not only help me see how I could build my affiliate marketing business differently from everyone else, but they also help me see how to create my brand, how to build an actual business, how to create offers and create real value in what I have to share with the world.

Here I thought I was just buying a service to build funnels and ended up getting so much more!

When you sign someone up for FG Funnels, you get 40% commission recurring as long as they remain a customer. If you want to read more about it, you can go here

9. You're going to save money!

I don't know about your journey, but for me, although getting started with affiliate marketing was free, it was all the marketing to run my business on automation that started to add up. People were telling me to go to different places to get my funnels, email services or memberships. I was paying for so many different services it was starting to feel overwhelming.

With Funnel Gorgeous its a one stop shop! Their competitive monthly (or in my case annual) pricing is locked in once you join. So if they ever raise the price, you never have to worry about getting charged more.

With Funnel Gorgeous you can get rid of:

  • Your blogging software

  • Email service provider

  • Membership software

  • Quiz software

Because all of this and a whole lot more is now offered inside the platform. Plus you get unlimited funnels, websites, domains, products/courses, sub-users, contacts, members, and video hosting.

10. Their designs make me feel like I hired a graphic designer!

I know I mentioned this above, but it deserves another shout out. I seriously geek out every time they tell us FG Users they have a new design to share with their community. They not only give you the funnel, but all the assets, opt in pages, slides and for some, the website too. Oh and if you want a different color palette, don't worry they got you boo.

Every design comes with multiple palette choices so you can easily swap out the colors and truly make the design your own unique style.

Feel like you're lost? It's ok, not all of us are natural born designers.

Just jump on one of their weekly design tech calls and you can raise your hand and ask your question and someone will literally walk you though the issues you are having and get you on your way.

With Funnel Gorgeous you are not going to find generic templates, and that is what makes them so refreshing! Want to check out their designs? I knew you would. Go here and take a peek.

This sample below is ONE design called Funnel Geometric, and as you can see they offer different color options so you get to play with the design of your choice. Just flow in your text, swap out colors and you're done!

FG Design Samples

I'm sure I could have made this blog post about 100 reasons I use FG Funnels, but I'm sure by now you get the picture.

When I first started to use their services, I thought it was just about the funnels and opt in pages I got access to. Being part of their community and surrounded by people who are building all types of businesses, it helped me start to see the bigger picture on where I could GROW my affiliate marketing business to. Finding Funnel Gorgeous was a blessing for my start up and I'm glad I found them in the beginning when I was just trying to get my sea legs in the world of online marketing because I was able to set up my foundation properly!

If you are interested in Funnel Gorgeous you can check out the following links:

Join Funnel Gorgeous

Move to Gorgeous

Check out their Demo Page

Need help? They have an Onboarding Wizard

Want to check out their designs?

Want to sign up as their affiliate?

Wishing you so much luck on your adventure into building your affiliate marketing business. Hope this information helped you!

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So you decided to build your first online passive income side hustle.

Good news is, getting started is

NOT the hard part.

You don't need fancy tech skills

or a large following.

Yes, it's true. Anyone CAN do this!

But you WILL have to learn how to

get past your mindset blocks, become resourceful, learn some online business building skills, and most important,

create a plan of action

so you're not fumbling.

Tools We Use


FG Funnels

The all in one solutions for growing your business (of any size).

You get access to tools, strategies, done-for-you funnels and ongoing live support. You do not have to be a tech genius or a design Wizard to have a SMART and GORGEOUS websites & funnels running your online business.


15-Second Leads

This is the perfect guide for you if you are starting with zero followers and currently feel discouraged or lost. What if you can learn some simple video tips that will help you grow your business even if you have a fear of being on camera and you worry about not sounding "professional enough" because you're new.


Pinterest Protege Mini Course

Looking for some alternative ways to grow ANY business online using Pinterest? In this foundational mini course get a good understanding of how Pinterest works, how to properly set up your account, create pins for your products or services and how to automate your efforts to build your business.


Freedom Accelerator

Ready for a 72-hour challenge where you can learn how to build an online passive income side business (from home) without needing to create your own product, websites, or having to sell anything yourself? Learn how YOU can do this with zero prior experience, no hard cost, no tech skills, and get commissions using 100% free methods even if you are starting with no followers

Tools We Use


FG Funnels

The all in one solutions for growing your business (of any size). You get access to tools, strategies, done-for-you funnels and ongoing live support. You do not have to be a tech genius or a design Wizard to have a SMART and GORGEOUS websites & funnels running your online business.


15-Second Leads

This is the perfect guide for you if you are starting with zero followers and currently feel discouraged or lost. What if you can learn some simple video tips that will help you grow your business even if you have a fear of being on camera and you worry about not sounding "professional enough" because you're new.


Pinterest Protege Mini Course

Looking for some alternative ways to grow ANY business online using Pinterest? In this foundational mini course get a good understanding of how Pinterest works, how to properly set up your account, create pins for your products or services and how to automate your efforts to build your business.


Freedom Accelerator

Ready for a 72-hour challenge where you can learn how to build an online passive income side business (from home) without needing to create your own product, websites, or having to sell anything yourself? Learn how YOU can do this with zero prior experience, no hard cost, no tech skills, and get commissions using 100% free methods even if you are starting with no followers

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